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Art Of Tea

Art Of Tea

Art Of Tea Is Social

Tea was thought of as a medicinal drink until the late sixth century. During the T’ang dynasty between the seventh to tenth centuries, tea drinking was particularly popular. Different preparations emerged, with increasing oxidation producing darker teas ranging from white to green to black.

Tea For Mental Health Beautifully Served

Some studies suggest that tea is comforting and that the actual tea-making ritual, whether for yourself or someone else, that is relaxing. Tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which promotes relaxation. In this sense, tea is unique in that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine means it may promote a sense of mindful alertness.

Studies have found that some teas may help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; encourage weight loss; lower cholesterol; and bring about mental alertness. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities.


Stimulant? Or Health?


The truth is, seeing tea as a stimulant or a relaxant is based on two completely different approaches: under the purely physical approach, tea much rather is a stimulant than a relaxant, mainly due to its natural content of theine. Tea therapy is the ancient Chinese medicinal practice of using tea and tisanes as remedies for many ills and ailments.

What does tea symbolize?
It is a very important ritual that has a lot of meaning within the culture. The tea ceremony represents purity, tranquillity, respect, and harmony and a lot of preparation go into this important event.

What is Buddhist about the tea ceremony?
Zen Buddhism is the primary influence in the conceptualization of the tea ceremony. … The general aspect of the tea ceremony involves harmony, purity, tranquility, and respect. It also emphasizes simplicity and naturalness. These two qualities give the tea ceremony a simple and quiet appearance.

What does tea symbolize in literature?
“For Austen and those who read her novels, tea is linked with sophistication and polite social encounters, something keenly reflected in her literature.” … For Austen and those who read her novels, tea is linked with sophistication and polite social encounters, something keenly reflected in her literature.


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World Tea Culture

Tea Culture Belongs To All

Drinking tea is an ancient tradition that is said to date back to southwest China in 27 BC. Since then tea traditions around the world have developed their own unique flavor, much like ice cream, or even sandwiches. As tea drinking spread along the Silk Road and was introduced to Europe, it has been incorporated into cultures around the world. View our interesting tea traditions around the world:

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The truth is, seeing tea as a stimulant or a relaxant is based on two completely different approaches: under the purely physical approach, tea much rather is a stimulant than a relaxant, mainly due to its natural content of theine.

Tea therapy is the ancient Chinese medicinal practice of using tea and tisanes as remedies for many ills and ailments. What does tea symbolize? It is a very important ritual that has a lot of meaning within the culture.

The tea ceremony represents purity, tranquillity, respect, and harmony and a lot of preparation goes into this important event. What is Buddhist about the tea ceremony? Zen Buddhism is the primary influence in the conceptualization of the tea ceremony. … The general aspect of the tea ceremony involves harmony, purity, tranquility, and respect. It also emphasizes simplicity and naturalness.

These two qualities give the tea ceremony a simple and quiet appearance. What does tea symbolize in literature? “For Austen and those who read her novels, tea is linked with sophistication and polite social encounters, something keenly reflected in her literature.” … For Austen and those who read her novels, tea is linked with sophistication and polite social encounters, something keenly reflected in her literature.


Chinese Cha-Dao – For Chinese people, tea is a way of life. The country’s diverse climates have given rise to hundreds of different varieties of tea, such as Oolong, Jasmine, pu-erh (fermented tea), and Gunpowder. The art of making tea, or Cha Dao, is closely linked to Chinese philosophies of balance and harmony and is ritualized in the gong fu ceremony.

Moroccan Mint Tea – Touareg tea or Moroccan mint tea is a major part of North African culture. A heavily sweetened mixture of green tea and mint leaves is served in small glasses. It is poured into these from a height, along with nuts and sweets.

English Afternoon Tea – No country is so closely connected to tea as England. It’s as synonymous with British culture as fish and chips or the royal family. From dainty afternoon teas to heartier brews, it certainly is a favorite beverage. Tea was first introduced by the Dutch East India Company in the mid-1600s, though it was initially expensive.

Thai Iced Tea – In Thailand, perhaps the most famous brew is the delicious Thai iced tea or cha-yen. Made from strongly brewed black Ceylon tea, it is blended with condensed milk and sugar before being served over ice. Various flavours or spices are added. These can include orange blossom, cinnamon, star anise, liquorice, and ground tamarind.

Russian Samovars – Trade along the Silk Road brought tea to Russia in the 17th century, but it was only in the 1800s that it became widely available to everyone. Today, Russian tea, or zavarka, is synonymous with the samovar. A tall urn is used to boil water, while a teapot containing the zavarka, highly concentrated black tea, sits atop it. Small amounts of the tea are poured into cups and diluted with the water from the samovar. It can also be flavoured with lemon, sugar, honey, or other herbs. Much like in Morocco, tea and hospitality are closely connected in Russia. It is still considered polite to offer a guest a cup when they enter your home.

Tibetan Butter Tea – While most people may not associate butter with tea, the high, cold altitudes of the Himalayas have given rise to the high-fat, energy-boosting tradition of butter tea, or Po cha. Ideal for both keeping you warm and cleansing your body, the tea is made with pu-erh tea cakes that are crumbled into hot water and boiled for several hours.

Indian Chai – India is the world’s largest producer and the largest consumer of tea. The sweet milky chai is practically a national drink. While tea is certainly a part of everyday life in India, it never developed into elaborate rituals lie in China or Japan. Tea stalls are dotted across Indian streets, and the chai wallahs prepare black tea with milk, sugar, and spices such as cardamom, fennel, cinnamon, and cloves.

Attaya: The African Tea Ceremony – In West Africa, the tea ceremony goes by the name ‘attaya’, and is anything but formal. In fact, tea culture in the continent’s western nations of Gambia, Mauritania, and Senegal are the polar opposite of Japan’s ceremonies. Every attaya consists of three rounds of tea drinking. The first stage is bitter, representing the difficulties of growing and early life; the second stage is sweeter, representing mid-life, love, and family, and the third stage is the sweetest to symbolize the sweetness of old age.

Japanese Tea Ceremony – Heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism, the elaborate traditional Japanese chanoyu tea ceremony involves ritualized preparation, presentation, and consumption of tea. Matcha powder, made of ground green tea leaves, is used to brew a frothy, ethereal tea.

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Iranian Teahouses – Brewed over a samovar, Iranian tea is served very strongly. Instead of adding sugar to the drink, you’re expected to place a sugar cube between your front teeth and drink the tea through it. The drink may also be accompanied by a bright yellow rock candy, called nabat, that may be dissolved in the tea.
Argentinian Yerba Mate – Even though the iconic Argentinian yerba mate (pronounced ma-tay) isn’t really tea, it’s also a way of life. A caffeine-infused drink made from the leaves of the local yerba mate plant, this herbal tea is meant to be sipped through a metal straw called bombilla. However, it can be considered an insult to the brewing abilities of its maker if you stir the tea with the bombilla. Drunk throughout the day, it is said to have anti-oxidants and cholesterol-lowering properties.
Taiwanese Bubble Tea – A more modern invention, Taiwanese bubble tea is made with iced tea (usually black, green, jasmine, or oolong) which is mixed with powdered milk and sugar syrup. The characteristic bubbles are actually small balls of tapioca, creating a chewy treat. Bubble tea was created in 1988 at the Chun Shui Tang teahouse when Lin Hsiu Hui dropped some tapioca balls from her fen yuan dessert into her iced tea. A trend was born, and the teahouse soon began selling “bubble tea”. It has since spread internationally, gaining appreciation across Asia, Europe, and the United States
Africa Tea – Africa is home to an amazing array of diverse cultures, but one thing they all have in common is an appreciation for tea. Tea plays a central role in social rituals across the continent, whether served as a refreshment to accompany meals or offered as a show of hospitality to guests. Chai (black tea with milk and spices) is popular in East Africa. Red Bush or Rooibos (an herbal tea) reigns supreme in Southern Africa, In the world of tea, South Africa is primarily known for its rooibos herbal teas. Dutch for “red bush,” rooibos is grown and harvested almost exclusively in South Africa, where it is a popular local beverage. Bisap is also known as Kirkade, made from hibiscus, is a favorite in West and North Africa. Mint tea is widely consumed in North and West Africa alike.
Creative Darkness. When one is not able to see the project or its vision clearly. Sometimes all it takes is a helping hand to help you see clearly.
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Finding Self-Care

Finding Self-Care

Finding Self-Care

Must we give up all our vices to achieve Self-Care harmony? Is this set up for us to fail? Surely not!

We All Have the Ability, One Step At A Time.

Self-care means taking all the steps you can to take care of your physical health and well-being, including hygiene, nutrition, managing stressors, and seeking medical care if needed.

Simply be mindful of your own needs, so you are better able to support the people you care about.

When you take care of yourself and are not stressed, you are better able to meet the needs of others. Self-care comes in a variety of forms.




  • PHYSICAL SELF-CARE. Self-care has to do with feeling physically well and maintaining physical health. …


  • CONNECT with Qigong, Tai Chi, and Prayer
  • REWARDS for every positive action reward yourself(limit snack rewards)
  • COMMUNITY do something rewarding
  • FIND INNER PEACE make time to connect
  • THERAPY comes in many forms from retail to seeking help or support
  • PEACE in the home and workplace is a major key to a balanced approach
  • FINANCE without money we are unable to care fully for ourselves let alone others
  • BALANCE is a major factor for all the above. Nothing too extreme weather good or bad is important.


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Extra Cash Self-Care

Everyone has the ability to conceptualize an idea. You do it each time you post a picture or share an event in your life. The trick is how to make it earn you cash! There are so many “pointers” to creating content to sell. The simple basics are; does it do what you intend it to do. Does it get the message across?

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Creative Darkness. When one is not able to see the project or its vision clearly. Sometimes all it takes is a helping hand to help you see clearly.

Cute Factor- Use dogs, cats, babies, etc. Boldly state your message. Personalize your ad by talking directly to the client. Keep it SIMPLE! Less is more. Invest in some Good Design Software.



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The list is endless for support and assistance. We will do a blog dedicated to this topic only.

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Simply Sustainable

Simply Sustainable

Living & Creating In The Moment

Sustainability does not imply deprivation, but rather a conscious awareness of life itself, resource utilization, and waste reduction.

We Have the Ability To Influence The Future,

One Step At A Time.

Small adjustments can assist us to reduce our living and environmental impact.
Our life, and life itself, is a physically consumptive process.

Finding solutions to make our way of life and the planet’s resources survive as long as possible, is what sustainable living demands.




Excessive supplements and pharmaceutical usage pollute both the environment and our bodies. More natural training alternatives eliminate reliance on boosters and medicines, resulting in prolonged fitness and wellness. reducing medical costs and consumption.



Some cleaning solutions, medications, and beauty products contain harmful chemicals that seem to be inherently harmful both to humans and the environment. You might assist in reducing these pollutants from having an adverse impact on both you and the ecosystem by committing to adopting green/eco-friendly products.



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Simple Solutions To Minimise



Single-use products are much more likely to land in landfills or even the ocean, impacting biodiversity and the environment. Choose to refurbish, repurpose, reuse, and utilize eco-friendly alternatives wherever possible to prevent this.



Recycle your unwanted smartphone, laptop, iPad, or tablet with a reputable recycling service. Your personal data is stored on your devices. Before you sell or donate hard drives, have them carefully sanitized because the risks of your information getting restored are very high.



Sustainable fashion (also known as eco-fashion) is a movement and a process that seeks to improve the ecological integrity and social justice of fashion items and the fashion economy. Fashion textiles and products are only one element of sustainable fashion.

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Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap

Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap

Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals

Successful creatives are people who do more than talk about the idea of doing.

But, remember if you need help or assistance do not hesitate to ask!

Just Imagine What Life You Would Have With The Right Online Technology.

Solutions To Selling Content


If things are tight and your back is up against the wall, there’s a path forward. In fact, there are many. Especially when it comes to generating that income online. The best part? We’re so interconnected that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ways you can make money, from the comfort of your home. So if you’re determined to generate some much-needed cash, then here’s what you need to do. First off, don’t expect to snap your fingers and get rich.

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Solutions To Selling Content


Simple! You need to know how, where, and what is needed to make money. This can be active, passive, or part-time. We tend to limit our visions and search for our immediate surroundings. The internet, mobile phone, or laptop can be your money-making slot machine. The difference is you are not gambling your income away you are merely spending time to generate money.

Easy! The more effort you put into doing the step-by-step actions you will see the rewards. Initially, it might be small bits but they are accumulative and they do grow.
If you are new to doing self-operated ideas and concepts the best is to do some research and find what is your interest and what makes you excited to put that extra effort and time.
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Turn Skills & Ability Into An Income

Questions often asked

Do you have an amazing idea that you’d like to turn into a business?

Has your current ideas hit a plateau in generating an income?

Do you want to pivot your ideas to a new or additional audience?

Looking for ways you can make money right now?

Do you want to know how to turn your laptop and/or mobile into a business portal?

How do I sell all types of products on the internet?

How to access the variety of ways you can sell your products online?

Follow my blog as I share more detailed assistance and freebies.

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Sell Creative Content

Sell Creative Content

How To Sell Creative Content

Apart from having a vocation and dedication to their students, what do all teachers seem to have in common? Answer: They are time-poor.

This explains why there’s such a great opportunity to sell teacher-created resources online.

One of the few things you will need to be more aware of is copyright. It’s one thing to create resources for your own use that borrow images and other content – it’s quite another if you then want to sell those resources online. Always check the usage rights!

Online and remote learning became commonplace during the pandemic. And having proved that it’s possible for teaching and learning to carry on without students all being in the same classroom it’s likely that hybrid learning will continue – even without further lockdowns and school closures.

This means that there’s an ongoing opportunity to sell teacher-created resources that are tailored to online learning.

Read further by downloading my Free Book or view it below.

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Solutions To Selling Content

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Ideally, you want to spend as much time as possible creating and promoting your resources – and as little time as you can on the mechanics of selling and collecting money.

In other words, you want an online selling platform that makes life easy for you and your customers and which doesn’t cost a fortune to use.

Payhip is all about simplicity. It’s easy to set up your online store and upload new products. Linking social media accounts is a cinch and you get paid instantly and automatically every time somebody makes a purchase.

You can also sell products without a monthly or annual fee for as long as it suits you with our forever free option.

So if you have teaching materials to sell, and start earning an extra income!

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