Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap

Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap

Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals

Successful creatives are people who do more than talk about the idea of doing.

But remember, if you need help or assistance, do not hesitate to ask!

Just Imagine What Life You Would Have With The Right Online Technology.

Creative Mentorship & Strategic Guidance

Solutions To Selling Content


Feeling stuck or under pressure? You’re not alone, and the good news is there’s always a way forward—often more than one. In today’s interconnected world, the possibilities for generating income online are virtually endless. Whether you’re looking to earn from the comfort of your home or explore new creative opportunities, the options are out there waiting for you.

The best part? You don’t need to have it all figured out from the start. If you’re ready to take the first step toward creating that much-needed cash flow, let’s get started together.

Here’s the thing—building success takes time and effort. It’s not about snapping your fingers and getting rich overnight. But with determination, the right guidance, and a little patience, you’ll find your way forward.

🆕Kung Fu Creativity For Business and Life! #contentcreator
PayHip - https://bit.ly/361njVM


Simple! You need to know how, where, and what is needed to make money. This can be active, passive, or part-time. We tend to limit our visions and search for our immediate surroundings. The internet, mobile phone, or laptop can serve as your money-making tool. The difference is you are not gambling your income away; you are merely spending time to generate money.

Easy! The more effort you put into doing the step-by-step actions, you will see the rewards. Initially, it might be small bits, but they are accumulative, and they do grow.
If you are new to doing self-operated ideas and concepts, the best is to do some research and find what is your interest and what makes you excited to put in that extra effort and time.
Sell course online start for free

Turn Skills & Ability Into An Income

Stay Ahead in Today’s Fast-Changing Creative Industry

We know the creative industry moves fast—and staying ahead can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, I’m here to guide you. Here are some of the most common questions I get asked:

  • Have an amazing idea you’d love to turn into a business?
  • Is your current idea stuck, struggling to generate income?
  • Thinking about pivoting your ideas to reach a new or bigger audience?
  • Looking for quick ways to start earning money today?
  • Curious about how to turn your laptop or mobile into a powerful business hub?
  • Wondering how to sell all kinds of products online?
  • Need guidance on exploring the many ways to sell your products on the internet?

If any of these resonate with you, you’re in the right place. Let me help you unlock the potential of your ideas and turn them into something extraordinary.

Follow my blog for detailed tips, expert advice, and freebies to get you started on your journey to success! 


The Point Where the Journey Truly Begins

Starting anything—whether it’s a new project, a study routine, or a creative endeavour—can be surprisingly challenging.

Often, the enormity of the task ahead overwhelms us, leaving us uncertain about how to move forward. For many, this results in not just a failure to start but also a struggle to retain and apply what we’ve learnt.

We live in an age where advice is everywhere, and many people offer personal methods to overcome these barriers. Yet, all too often, even the best techniques fail to yield lasting change.

The solution, it turns out, isn’t simply to memorise someone else’s formula—it’s about understanding, embodying, and arriving at our own approach.

Thanks for taking the time to view my blog.

Feel free to let me know of interesting topics to share.

Amanda Lan: Pioneering Design & Wellness Integration Strategist
Sell Creative Content

Sell Creative Content

How To Sell Creative Content

Apart from having a vocation and dedication to their students, what do all teachers seem to have in common? Answer: They are time-poor.

This explains why there’s such a great opportunity to sell teacher-created resources online.

One of the few things you will need to be more aware of is copyright. It’s one thing to create resources for your own use that borrow images and other content – it’s quite another if you then want to sell those resources online. Always check the usage rights!

Online and remote learning became commonplace during the pandemic. And having proved that it’s possible for teaching and learning to carry on without students all being in the same classroom it’s likely that hybrid learning will continue – even without further lockdowns and school closures.

This means that there’s an ongoing opportunity to sell teacher-created resources that are tailored to online learning.

Read further by downloading my Free Book or view it below.

PayHip - https://bit.ly/361njVM
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Solutions To Selling Content

Sell course online start for free

Ideally, you want to spend as much time as possible creating and promoting your resources – and as little time as you can on the mechanics of selling and collecting money.

In other words, you want an online selling platform that makes life easy for you and your customers and which doesn’t cost a fortune to use.

Payhip is all about simplicity. It’s easy to set up your online store and upload new products. Linking social media accounts is a cinch and you get paid instantly and automatically every time somebody makes a purchase.

You can also sell products without a monthly or annual fee for as long as it suits you with our forever free option.

So if you have teaching materials to sell, and start earning an extra income!

Thanks for taking the time to view my blog.

Feel free to let me know of interesting topics to share.


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